Does Pineapple Juice Help with Wisdom Teeth? Yes, It Does

As far as dental health is concerned, especially when wisdom teeth are removed, people look forward to seeking natural ways to help them alleviate the pain and discomfort that comes with the exercises above. 

A common question that arises is: “Does pineapple juice help with wisdom teeth? “Is more frequently asked with different proposals on social networks and health-related websites. 

In this article, we will discuss detailed information regarding the science of pineapple juice and its benefits as well as myths about its impact on wisdom teeth.

The Pineapple Juice Craze: Why Is It So Popular?

Over the past few years, pineapple juice has emerged as an amazing natural cure for relieving the pain of extracted wisdom teeth. The concept that lies at the core of this enzyme is centered on bromelain, of pineapple origin. 

This enzyme has been used for different medical purposes since it can reduce inflammation and act as a painkiller. But is pineapple juice as beneficial to the recovery of wisdom teeth as various people advertise it to be?

Does pineapple juice help with wisdom teeth

Bromelain: Research as to the Active Ingredient in Pineapple Juice

Bromelain is a complex mix containing enzymes derived from pineapple stem and fruit juice. They have also been used as a short-age agent in laboratory animals due to their capacity to decrease inflammation, repair digestion, and enhance recovery from wounds. Because of these properties, some people have seen the potential of bromelain during the recovery time after the extraction of wisdom teeth.

Does Pineapple Juice Help with Wisdom Teeth Recovery?

The short answer is: ‘It might but with exceptions.’ Though there is the positivity of pineapple juice containing info amatory properties, these enzyme concentrations are not as high as those of bromelain supplements. This means that while the consumption of pineapple juice may afford some relief, the effects do not come close to a concentrated bromelain tablet.

Thirdly, pineapple juice also contains acidic content as well as high sugar content, which might trigger irritation of the mouth, especially after any form of oral surgery. Thus, even though the use of pineapple juice can help alleviate some diseases, it is not a universal cure, and the results may be different in different people.

Does Pineapple Juice Help Swelling?

To date, there is little research that focused on the effect of pineapple juice on the healing of third molars. Nonetheless, studies on bromelain show that it possesses some levels of anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which could help ease swelling seen after dental surgeries.

Clinical Studies on Bromelain

Several clinical trials have been performed to establish the role of bromelain in specific post-surgical situations. For instance, a controlled clinical trial in the Journal of Oral Surgery showed that people who took bromelain saw their swelling and pain decrease after dental surgery. However, certain limitations are worth mentioning: As with most of the studies, the source of bromelain used here is supplements and not the juice of this fruit.

Does pineapple juice help with wisdom teeth

Anecdotal Evidence: Does Pineapple Juice Help with Wisdom Teeth?

Some of those who have taken Does Pineapple Juice Help with Wisdom Teeth removed opine and the juice was quite beneficial to them. Some said it was useful in decreasing their size and pain though others did not observe any change at all. From this experience, one can conclude that maybe pineapple juice does work, but it certainly does not work for everyone.

Potential Risks and Considerations

Focusing a bit on the idea of drinking pineapple juice as a way of healing surgically removed wisdom teeth it is crucial to bear in mind its disadvantages as well. As was previously pointed out pineapple juice is acidic and contains high amounts of sugar. Drinking a lot of juice that is acidic to the mouth may cause rashes on the mouth lining and harm the tooth enamel especially in the initial days after a dental operation.

Allergic Reactions

Another aspect is the fact that differently-abled people might trigger an allergy to people that are around them. Bromelain or pineapple has certain risks of allergy among people; taking pineapple juice may lead to itching, swelling or breathing with a difficult process. We also note that although it has numerous benefits, pineapple juice if consumed when in the recovery process is contraindicated if one is allergic to pineapples.

Interaction with Medications

However, Bromelain tends to combine with other drugs, for instance, blood thinners and Antibiotics. Hence, one should consult the doctor or dentist if he or she wishes to consume pineapple juice because it may interact with prescription medications that are taken.

Alternatives to Pineapple Juice for Wisdom Teeth Recovery

If you’re looking for natural remedies to aid in your wisdom teeth recovery, there are several alternatives to pineapple juice that you may want to consider:

1. Ice Packs

One of the initial treatments that can be given involves the use of ice packs on the affected part to reduce the inflammation and numb the affected part with the pain. This is also a popular and constructive way of treating soreness following the extraction of the third molars.

2. Saltwater Rinse

Rinsing with a saltwater solution is a very safe method that would help prevent infections at the extraction site. It can also be effective in relieving gum inflammation as well as pain.

3. Soft Foods

This means you need to stick to such foods such as yoghurts, applesauce, and even smoothies as they are very soft and cold hence, they will not cause the extraction site any harm. So it is needed just to ensure that they do not use a straw because the sucking action can flush the clot and slow down the process of healing.

4. Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

It will therefore be wise to consult your doctor on which medicine you should take after the operation but in case of relief in pain and inflammation use non-prescription drugs like Ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Only utilize the measurements that have been recommended by the doctor when giving the drug.

5. Bromelain Supplements

If you are highly interested in the benefits of bromelain, you are essentially recommended to have a stronger supply, bromelain supplements can be bought in most health food shops. However it is suggested to have a word with your doctor on this before you start with a new supplement.


Does this fruit contain an element that can alleviate the inflammation before the treatment of the wisdom tooth?

It is based on bromelain present in pineapple juice which may help to reduce swelling in some ways though they are moderate. This is probably why I’d recommend that you consult your dentist before trying it.

Should I drink Does Pineapple Juice Help with Wisdom Teeth? If yes, then how much?

There’s no set amount. These should be taken in moderation so that they do not cause irritation or lead to high sugar content. While you need to learn all there is to know about different teeth whitening products, it will be wise to speak with your dentist first.

Is there any other negative impact that one would experience when using pineapple juice to help in the healing of wisdom teeth?

Yes, the acidity can cause sores in your mouth and the sugar on the teeth. Some people may also have allergies. Even though self-identified minorities are a motley crew, are unfit for work, and may engage in criminal behavior, they need not present any health risk to society. Always consult your doctor or any other healthcare provider to be on the safe side.


Therefore, to say ‘Does pineapple juice help with wisdom teeth?’ Still, remains inconclusive. Although pineapple juice contains bromelain which has anti-inflammatory effects, the amount of bromelain in the juice is relatively low also the juice is acidic and contains sugar which comes with certain health risks. Some patients may feel much better than before while for others it will not make a very big difference.

Javed Riaz

Hi, I am Javed, the founder of Dronevoo and an expert blogger for kitchen gadgets since 2021. I explore research and share experiences to discover the best kitchen tools. Hurry up! Join me and choose the perfect kitchen tool at Dronevoo.

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