What to Eat and Drink After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After a tooth extraction, particularly wisdom teeth removal, it’s crucial to follow the right diet to ensure a smooth recovery. Many people wonder, “Can I drink juice after a tooth extraction?” This is a common question since your diet can significantly impact how quickly your mouth heals. 

In this guide, I’ll explore the foods and drinks that are safe during your recovery, and which ones to avoid, ensuring you heal comfortably and efficiently.

can i drink juice after a tooth extraction

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

What to eat is among the first things that come into your mind once the wisdom teeth have been removed. The food included in the diet is highly critical because specific textures and temperature changes may impact the rate of recovery or healing.

Soft, easy-to-chew foods are highly recommended to avoid disturbing the extraction site.

Scrambled Eggs: These eggs are soft and healthy, loaded with light proteins on a sore mouth.

classic scrambled eggs on a plate 2023 11 27 05 32 46 utc 1 50

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

Recovery after wisdom teeth removal may vary from person to person, but most people begin to feel normal after one week or so. The first 48 hours are crucial in reducing the swelling and lowering the degree of pain. 

Here are some very important tips that will make the recovery much easier:

  • Cold Compresses: Apply cold compresses to reduce the swelling in the initial hours to 24 hours. After that, warm compressors can help in promoting blood flow.
  • Take Prescribed Medications: Painkillers and antibiotics prescribed by your dentist should be taken just as instructed to prevent any potential complications.
  • Keep Your Head Up: Rest with your body elevated to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Avoid Vigorous Activities: The first couple of days following surgery are to be considered a rest period to give your body the time it needs to heal.

Another recovery principle is to keep hydrated. But, “What can I drink after tooth extraction?” I’ll talk about it in a minute.

What Can I Drink After Tooth Extraction

With the factor of tooth extraction, you are only to consider liquids that are soothing and will not meddle with the process of healing. Here are some drinks:

  • Water: Since water is non-acidic, directly after extraction, it would be perfect as it will calm the mouth by hydrating and cleaning without further irritating the wound.
  • Juices: Too many wonder, “Can I drink juice after tooth extraction?” Well, you may, but not those juices that have an acid content.
  • Avoid Other Acidic Juices: Things like orange juices will just worsen the extraction site further. Try apple or pear juices.
  • Herbal Tea: Gentle herbal teas are soothing. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine as it interferes with the blood coagulation process.
  • Broths: Crystal broths are healthful, with plenty of watery elements in them that soothe the mouth.
  • Milk: This is non-irritating and healthy, but do not add sweet flavors, as these tend to inflame the infection.

can i drink juice after a tooth extraction

50 Soft Foods to Eat After Tooth Extraction

During the period of recovery after tooth extraction, especially wisdom teeth, soft foods must be stuck to. Soft foods are easier to eat and won’t agitate your extraction site. Here’s a list of 50 soft food options to help you during your recovery:

  1. Mashed potatoes
  2. Scrambled eggs
  3. Applesauce
  4. Yogurt
  5. Smoothies (without a straw)
  6. Pudding
  7. Oatmeal
  8. Cream of wheat
  9. Cottage cheese
  10. Soft cheeses
  11. Ice cream (without nuts or hard bits)
  12. Gelatin
  13. Custard
  14. Broth
  15. Soup (without chunks)
  16. Hummus
  17. Soft tofu
  18. Mashed bananas
  19. Avocado
  20. Pureed vegetables
  21. Soft pasta
  22. Creamy peanut butter
  23. Soft bread
  24. Rice
  25. Polenta
  26. Quinoa
  27. Creamed spinach
  28. Soft fish (like salmon)
  29. Soft cooked carrots
  30. Soft cooked zucchini
  31. Butternut squash
  32. Mashed peas
  33. Soft muffins
  34. Pancakes
  35. French toast (soft)
  36. Soft tortillas
  37. Lentil soup
  38. Split pea soup
  39. Smooth oatmeal cookies
  40. Soft mac and cheese
  41. Soft pancakes
  42. Cottage pie
  43. Smooth mashed sweet potatoes
  44. Soft brownies
  45. Milkshakes (without a straw)
  46. Soft noodles
  47. Cream soups
  48. Rice pudding
  49. Soft risotto
  50. Silken tofu dishes


Healing from wisdom teeth extraction is not complicated at all especially if one chooses the right type of meal after the procedure.

A common question many patients have is, “Can I take juice after the tooth has been removed?” Yes, but it is recommended to avoid taking juices that contain high acidity, for instance, orange juice since it may take some time to heal but may cause a lot of discomfort once it gets in contact with the extraction site.

Avoid eating solid foods especially those that need a lot of chewing as this may cause the blood clotting to dissolve hence exposing the bone to air and leading to the formation of a dry socket. The following are recommended so that when the time of healing comes, it will not be difficult and uncomfortable.


How soon after the extraction of wisdom teeth can one begin eating solid foods?

Most individuals can resume soft solid foods within a few days, but actually, it’s best to wait until the dentist says so.

Can I drink soda after a tooth extraction?

It’s recommended to avoid soda and carbonated beverages for at least a week after surgery, as they can dislodge the blood clot and cause a dry socket.

What are the warning signs that one has a dry socket after tooth extraction?

Common symptoms are a painful wide-open gum site, mouth foul smell, and exposed jaw where the teeth were pulled out.

Javed Riaz

Hi, I am Javed, the founder of Dronevoo and an expert blogger for kitchen gadgets since 2021. I explore research and share experiences to discover the best kitchen tools. Hurry up! Join me and choose the perfect kitchen tool at Dronevoo.

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